Accepting What Is

I spent this weekend in the Northwoods. I camped right beside a lake that was tranquil and still. It’s such a difference from the hustle and bustle of day to day living. It was also a great time to unplug and recharge. Imagine my surprise when I got back into the land of technology only … Continue reading Accepting What Is

ADHD and Summer

Summer is finally here!  The mental health community tends to see a decrease in mental health issues during the summer.  Research indicates that rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide decline during the summer months. These rates increase quickly during the fall months as we head into the seasonal affective disorder months. It is unclear if … Continue reading ADHD and Summer

Dealing With Disappointment During COVID19

How do you deal with disappointment during the COVID 19 pandemic? People are experiencing many different emotions during this lockdown. These include: sadness, anger, anxiety, depression, isolation, grief, and also disappointment. We are canceling plans. There are no sporting events to attend, graduation ceremonies are canceled, weddings, vacations, and conventions have been postponed. To top … Continue reading Dealing With Disappointment During COVID19

Anxiety Our New Normal?

Our state recently extended its shelter at home orders for another month. Many people in the area are experiencing higher levels of anxiety. This would be completely understandable. There are many unknowns about the pandemic. How will the extension effect workers, the national economy, and the global economy? You may find yourself worrying about day … Continue reading Anxiety Our New Normal?

Teenage Depression During COVID19

Depression for teenagers is skyrocketing during the pandemic. This makes sense when we look at the developmental milestones of adolescences. Socialization, a need for independence, and beginning to find self-identity are three big components of adolescences. It’s not surprising that the loss of social interaction is wrecking havoc on teenagers. Signs of Teenage Depression If … Continue reading Teenage Depression During COVID19

Depression Toolbox

Depression is a very common mental health issue. In the United States, it is estimated that over 16 million people struggle with depression. Depression can leave us with feelings of sadness, lack of motivation, negative thoughts, low mood, diminished interest in activities, withdrawal, feelings of worthlessness/guilt, and thoughts of suicide or self-harm. There are some … Continue reading Depression Toolbox