What Are Whorls and What Can They Tell US

9 thoughts on “What Are Whorls and What Can They Tell US”

  1. Hi Krista I’ve recently got a Gelding 2yr. Palomino Mustang . Dooley has a whorl between his eyes a wheat ear down his neck and wheat ear that runs all the down the top of his neck from behind his ear to his wither on both sides. Interesting to read about whorles and their meaning.

  2. Hi Krista,
    My name is Catherine and I also believed that wheat ears were bad luck after reading King of the Wind. I’ve had eight horses and three by the time I was 11 years old. Three of those horses had a wheat ear. My current Overo Paint horse, Ally has a very unique one. Her world on her face is in the center between her eyes and she is very smart, but she can be Squirrley sometimes even at 22 years old. She still tries to buck sometimes. Anne has thrown me twice. I’ve had her since she was going on eight but have known her since she was a baby filly.

    1. HI! Thanks for sharing. In my own experience, wheat ears end up making the horse extra special. Thanks for telling me about your overo. She sounds like a great horse!

    1. Hi Sarah–there are no accompanying photos. Not sure what your horse looks like. Could you try an upload them again?

  3. I have a 9 year old gelding with a perfect diamond shape made of 4 whorls on his forehead one in the middle high two above his eyes evenly spaced and one lower below his eyes in the middle

  4. Above eye level but in middle of forehead… My gelding has a 1 whorl on right side going counterclockwise then next to it and connecting to it just off to the left(not below right) is another whorl going clockwise. He is suppose to be a blue roan and he starts to shed out as such but as summer continues he gets almost black. What can you tell me about his whorls please.

    1. Hi Debbie. I’m no whorl expert, but according to folk lore, a double whorl means your horse has “complicated” personality. A whorl on the forehead, or between the eyes means the horse is fairly sweet. Does this seem to match with your horse? That he’s sweet, but also a bit complex? Let me know!

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